Sunday, April 20, 2008

Changing my blog name

I really think I need to change the name of my blog to "what am I freeing my child's body from today?" Again on Saturday my three year old, Aidan, needed my help. This time we were on our way to the local fire station for a community event. I had just parked and hear Aidan whimpering int he back seat. I look back and he has a finger deep in his nose. Mind you, this is not all that unusual, but this time I knew it was different. He had that look. I immediately knew what was wrong. Unfortunately this is not the first time this has happened. He was eating some fruit snacks. Not the large character shaped ones, just plain naturally flavored small square ones. He put one in his nose. Then proceeded to try to get it out by sticking his finger in, which only shoved it up farther. He did this over a year ago and I thought he learned. At first I wasn't concerned..he is a pretty good nose blower. However after several attempts he wasn't making any progress and I saw blood. I just told him to blow as hard as he could. I seriously thought we were going to have to go into the fire station requesting help! He finally blew it out. I didn't bother asking why he did it. I knew the answer would be of the "because I'm a boy and I could" variety. Of course when we got home and I told my husband, he just shook his head and laughed. People assure me I will survive these boys, but I am not so sure.

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