Happy Birthday Aidan! You are growing up so fast! You are such an amazing boy. You make me laugh everyday and you amaze me with your memory. You can quote many of your books word for word. I just told Daddy we need to harness that amazing memory for good...how much of God's word could you tuck in there? You are still as outgoing and friendly as ever! You continue to make friends at the park, grocery store and everywhere we go. Your friends at school are always excited to see you. You are a great big brother, too. Luke thinks you are the coolest thing ever and he tries to do everything you do. He misses you so much while you are at school and runs to the door when it is time to pick you up. You do not let him near your legos, though. He loves to have pillow fights with you on your bed and wants to be wherever you are. I pray you are always close.
You are still pretty easy going, although you are becoming quite the negotiator. Meaning, you don't like to be told "no" and you work very hard to get the answer you are hoping for. That is a daily challenge. You had another amazing year in soccer and are looking forward to T-ball in just a few weeks. You love school, although it is more the socializing that you love more than the learning. You have just gotten into Legos and I am amazed at how good you are at them.
You are still my cuddle bug and I love it. You continue to have a tender heart and are quick to offer a hug or encouragement. You are learning more about talking to Jesus and it makes my heart soar to hear you talk to him as your friend. You aren't so sure about heaven, though. You have a lot of fun here and are in no rush to live forever with Jesus. It is a lot to understand, so we just keep talking about it.
I love that you ask me to tell you the story of "the night you were born". You have been such a blessing in our lives and you fit perfectly! You have an amazing story with God's fingerprints all over it. I am so blessed to be part of it and to watch it unfold. You have the potential to do great things on this earth and my prayer for you is that you first trust God fully to lead you in those things. This journey keeps getting better and more fun. I know we have challenges ahead, but boy am I enjoying these days with you! I love you more than you will ever know and can't get enough of those big brown eyes! I love you to the moon and back.
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