I am two days late, but I wanted to post about our big boy, Aidan. Aidan is now four years old and I can't believe how fast it has gone! Aidan is an easy going, funny, high energy ball of love. He loves anything involving a ball. He is super coordinated and blows me away with his ability to smack a baseball. He has an incredible memory. He is learning new things everyday and trying to incorporate them into life. The other day he told a friend that "God wants us to share our toys." I'm sure it was because his friend had a toy he wanted, but at least I know the message is getting through. He does have a tender heart and is concerned about anyone who is sick or hurt. My most embarrassing moment for this year is probably related to his learning new things...I had to take him with me to my rhumetologist appointment. He asked about the poster describing osteoporosis and the picture of the lady "falling over". I explained that her bones got weak and made her lean over. I told him that was why it was important for him to eat his vegetables. Enter embarrassing moment: We were out shopping and see an elderly woman bent over walking with a walker. He says loudly..."that lady is falling over, she didn't eat her vegetables." This has happened numerous times and I wonder how necessary those teaching moments really are.
He is an amazing big brother and loves Luke like crazy. They are really starting to play together and Aidan is a big helper. I know the fights will come, but for now, I cherish the love they share.
Aidan's arrival changed our lives forever and boy am I glad. Life is so full of excitement and new things with him. He is full of questions and conversation. Most of the time I love it, but some days I have to say, "let's have some quiet time." We are blessed beyond words to have been chosen to be this amazing boy's parents. God has certainly been gracious and I am excited to see what He has in store for Aidan's life. My prayer is that Aidan learns early on how much he is loved by God and accepts his leadership in his life.
Happy Birthday Precious..mommy loves you all the way to the moon... and back!
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