I can't believe you are a year old already! Where did the time go? You are such a joy and a blessing to our family. A year ago with just three weeks to prepare, we learned you were to join our family. Those were the longest three weeks ever! God knew I couldn't stand a 9 month pregnancy! What fun it has been to have two boys in my life. You are becoming quite independent. You want to walk and are sooooo close. You have taken up to two steps at a time, for about two weeks now. You barely hold on when you walk along walls and furniture.
You have the greatest smile and a great belly laugh. You have almost all your teeth already. The last molar and eye tooth popped through yesterday.
We had a great time Sunday celebrating your birthday with all of our friends. You wore the traditional Hanbok and tolerated it quite well. We laid out many
You have a strong opinion and definite perseverance. Someday that is going to serve you well. Some days it frustrates me, but I trust that God is going to shape and mold that so He can use you for his purposes. Our prayer for you, as your name means, is that you will become a strong man of God who shines His light to all you meet. Luke, you were hand picked by God to join our family and you are a special boy. I can't wait to see all God has in store for you. You are much prayed for and a very loved boy. May you always know how much I love you! Happy birthday pumpkin.
1 comment:
That's my name for Luke! ;-)
Happy Birthday Pumpkin!!
May God bless you with many more to come!!
Aidan- I'm SO proud of you! I love you for who you are and your personality! It's been such a joy to call you my nephew!
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