Well, your first day of school! You are so excited and very ready for it. We visited last Thursday and met your teacher. I can't believe how grown up you are! Over the summer you have grown and matured. You have gotten stronger! You mastered the monkey bars all the way across. You became a great swimmer and you are a terrific big brother! You and Luke have really bonded since we moved. He is going to miss you while you are at school. I think you are most excited about riding the bus. You were actually angry with me last night when I told you I was picking you up this week. Of course I have been crying for a week. You are so confident that you assured me you would be ok. I am so proud of you and I do want you to grow up, but it just seems hard for me. You are an amazing boy and I pray for a great first year of school for you. I know you will quickly make friends and you are already a fast learner. You are already reading and sounding out words and spelling everything you can. I love you!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Well, your first day of school! You are so excited and very ready for it. We visited last Thursday and met your teacher. I can't believe how grown up you are! Over the summer you have grown and matured. You have gotten stronger! You mastered the monkey bars all the way across. You became a great swimmer and you are a terrific big brother! You and Luke have really bonded since we moved. He is going to miss you while you are at school. I think you are most excited about riding the bus. You were actually angry with me last night when I told you I was picking you up this week. Of course I have been crying for a week. You are so confident that you assured me you would be ok. I am so proud of you and I do want you to grow up, but it just seems hard for me. You are an amazing boy and I pray for a great first year of school for you. I know you will quickly make friends and you are already a fast learner. You are already reading and sounding out words and spelling everything you can. I love you!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Week One
Week one in Huntsville, AL. We are actually in Madison, AL. It has all been so full of emotions that I'm not sure if it was a good or bad week. We had lots of goodbyes last week and were pretty emotional by Saturday night. The drive to the airport Sunday morning was better than expected, although that lump was certainly in my throat. The first leg of our flight went smoothly....security and check in was uneventful, even with one-way tickets. The boys were great on the airplane and we arrived in Dallas ready to ride the "train" and get on the final plane.
Of course it was too much to ask for a completely uneventful flight. Our flight had been cancelled...not just delayed. The first guy Jim asked said the other flight was full and we couldn't get on. We figured we'd give my college roommate a call and see if we could hang out with her. We called and she had a free Sunday afternoon! We decided to check at the main ticket counter and see the options for a hotel. Turns out they were able to get us on the 8:00 flight. We were so thankful Ali was willing to cart us to and from the airport so we didn't have to sit around for 6 hours. The kids had a much better time and I loved seeing an old friend and meeting her kids!
We landed in Huntsville, got two rentals, borrowed a pack n play and got milk and cereal for the morning. We finally got to bed at 11:30, unsure of what we had just done to our family.
Monday was spent at the grocery store, driving around a bit and trying to rest up. We all got the start of a cold and were pretty exhausted.
Tuesday we woke to find a beautiful, but cold, dusting of snow!! It was really wet and we knew it wouldn't last. Jim went to work and the kids and I hung out in the apartment. They have done really well and the apartment is good sized...three bedrooms and a living room/kitchen. For only having a few toys and nothing to watch dvds on, they have improvised well. Luke right away found the laundry basket and colored pencils and fashioned a drum.
Jim and I were definitely feeling unsettled most of the week. Not so much questioning our decision as I think the loneliness that we were expecting hit sooner than we thought. We know this will be a good move and we will eventually be settled and make friends.
Aidan started school on Wednesday and brought home lots of papers that he worked on. He did well and had a good day.
The rest of the days have been uneventful and we were very thankful to have been invited to dinner Thursday night by some friends with kids Aidan's and Luke's age. It was just what we needed to get through the week.
We have a renter for our home in California and that has been a huge relief. Everything is squared away in CA and now we are digging in to get things squared away here...doctor's, church, gym, pharmacy, bank....there are so many things! We close on the house friday and I know this will really be the start of our getting settled.
Oh! How could I have skipped meeting Aidan's t-ball team and having our first practice! Such fun to watch and meet new people. Everyone is very nice. I'm sure friendships will be formed.
God has been so gracious and we look forward to this adventure. I just want to be real and document the struggles with the joys. I'll post more with pictures soon.
Of course it was too much to ask for a completely uneventful flight. Our flight had been cancelled...not just delayed. The first guy Jim asked said the other flight was full and we couldn't get on. We figured we'd give my college roommate a call and see if we could hang out with her. We called and she had a free Sunday afternoon! We decided to check at the main ticket counter and see the options for a hotel. Turns out they were able to get us on the 8:00 flight. We were so thankful Ali was willing to cart us to and from the airport so we didn't have to sit around for 6 hours. The kids had a much better time and I loved seeing an old friend and meeting her kids!
We landed in Huntsville, got two rentals, borrowed a pack n play and got milk and cereal for the morning. We finally got to bed at 11:30, unsure of what we had just done to our family.
Monday was spent at the grocery store, driving around a bit and trying to rest up. We all got the start of a cold and were pretty exhausted.
Tuesday we woke to find a beautiful, but cold, dusting of snow!! It was really wet and we knew it wouldn't last. Jim went to work and the kids and I hung out in the apartment. They have done really well and the apartment is good sized...three bedrooms and a living room/kitchen. For only having a few toys and nothing to watch dvds on, they have improvised well. Luke right away found the laundry basket and colored pencils and fashioned a drum.
Jim and I were definitely feeling unsettled most of the week. Not so much questioning our decision as I think the loneliness that we were expecting hit sooner than we thought. We know this will be a good move and we will eventually be settled and make friends.
Aidan started school on Wednesday and brought home lots of papers that he worked on. He did well and had a good day.
The rest of the days have been uneventful and we were very thankful to have been invited to dinner Thursday night by some friends with kids Aidan's and Luke's age. It was just what we needed to get through the week.
We have a renter for our home in California and that has been a huge relief. Everything is squared away in CA and now we are digging in to get things squared away here...doctor's, church, gym, pharmacy, bank....there are so many things! We close on the house friday and I know this will really be the start of our getting settled.
Oh! How could I have skipped meeting Aidan's t-ball team and having our first practice! Such fun to watch and meet new people. Everyone is very nice. I'm sure friendships will be formed.
God has been so gracious and we look forward to this adventure. I just want to be real and document the struggles with the joys. I'll post more with pictures soon.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Aidan! You are growing up so fast! You are such an amazing boy. You make me laugh everyday and you amaze me with your memory. You can quote many of your books word for word. I just told Daddy we need to harness that amazing memory for good...how much of God's word could you tuck in there? You are still as outgoing and friendly as ever! You continue to make friends at the park, grocery store and everywhere we go. Your friends at school are always excited to see you. You are a great big brother, too. Luke thinks you are the coolest thing ever and he tries to do everything you do. He misses you so much while you are at school and runs to the door when it is time to pick you up. You do not let him near your legos, though. He loves to have pillow fights with you on your bed and wants to be wherever you are. I pray you are always close.
You are still pretty easy going, although you are becoming quite the negotiator. Meaning, you don't like to be told "no" and you work very hard to get the answer you are hoping for. That is a daily challenge. You had another amazing year in soccer and are looking forward to T-ball in just a few weeks. You love school, although it is more the socializing that you love more than the learning. You have just gotten into Legos and I am amazed at how good you are at them.
You are still my cuddle bug and I love it. You continue to have a tender heart and are quick to offer a hug or encouragement. You are learning more about talking to Jesus and it makes my heart soar to hear you talk to him as your friend. You aren't so sure about heaven, though. You have a lot of fun here and are in no rush to live forever with Jesus. It is a lot to understand, so we just keep talking about it.
I love that you ask me to tell you the story of "the night you were born". You have been such a blessing in our lives and you fit perfectly! You have an amazing story with God's fingerprints all over it. I am so blessed to be part of it and to watch it unfold. You have the potential to do great things on this earth and my prayer for you is that you first trust God fully to lead you in those things. This journey keeps getting better and more fun. I know we have challenges ahead, but boy am I enjoying these days with you! I love you more than you will ever know and can't get enough of those big brown eyes! I love you to the moon and back.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Luke, Happy 2nd Birthday! You are so much fun at this age! You are amazing us everyday with a new word or a new antic of some sort. You LOVE music. Mostly guitars and drums. "Didtaaar" and "Bum Bum". You have amazing rhythm already! It has taken until about two weeks ago for you to go into the church nursery or MOPS/Bible study childcare without screaming your head off. A few months ago we figured out that if there was a toy guitar or video of the worship band, you'd settle down more quickly. You have learned so many new things this year. First off, walking, running and now a little bit of jumping. You quickly try anything Aidan does...walking along the curb, balance beam style; collecting rocks (raahk), checking out the baseball field at CBS and climbing on the couch. In the car you say whoa whenever I turn a corner...the same spot every time we take Aidan to school because Aidan said it one morning.
You absolutely LOVE Aidan. It melts my heart to listen to you two play together in your room at the train table. You get very frustrated when the trains fall off the track, but you are gettting it figured out. You love to play outside....with Aidan or by yourself. You have taken up golf (gaaah). You hit at the ball, kind of like a baseball, but you are persistent. When it is time to pick up Aidan at school and I say, "let's get Aidan at school," You run to the door and say "Nay Nay gaga cooool". Precious I tell ya! Aidan adores you as well. He is so proud of you and gets so excited when he sees you learn something new or say a new word. I pray you are always close. You make a great team.
I have to believe this love for music and your showy personality are going to follow into some sort of performance career. We'll see. You are quite the hamm. You have such great smiles and make the greatest squishy faces. You still have a bit of a stubborn streak, but it has dramatically reduced. Probably has to do with your budding vocabulary.
My favorite part of the day now is naptime and bedtime. Not for the reasons you may think. I sure need the break, but really it is so I can soak up your lovin's. You have only recently become a snuggle bug. You freeely give kisses and hugs. Although you withold them with a smile...again you're a hamm. We sit in the rocking chair and read books (buh), and then I sing. First Jesus Loves Me. Then you say "more baby". It comes from the book, "Love you Forever." I probably sing it 15-20 times. You will either sit facing out with blankie or will let me cuddle you like a baby. I love it because you never let me hold you like a baby when you were tiny. Then we give kisses, bonk heads and tickle a bit. It winds you up a bit, so then we have to rock more. You say more raah. I feel like I am catching up on 18 months of cuddling, so our bedtime routine is a bit lengthy. We will probably have to shorten it soon, because you are really starting to protest when I leave. You still have strong lungs. My only complaint is that you have been calling me Ma! from the start. It took me a very long time to realize you were calling blankie "mama". I knew that was what you called it, but I thought you also meant me sometimes. Several months ago you stopped saying mama for blankie, but I remained ma or mom. You have only in the last couple of weeks started to find a word for blankie...blah blah. In the meantime it has been a grunt with your hands out.
You still love to eat and most of your signs and words are related to eating or food. I'll be interested to see what your height and weight are next week at your dr. visit. You are not very tall....you're going to be like daddy...long body and very short legs.
You have made our family so much richer and lots of fun. We are so blessed that God chose us to be your family. I know God has amazing things planned for you and I pray that you make good choices throughout your life so that you can see all God has for you. I pray for your friends, for your future wife and that God will prepare you well for all the obstacles you will face. I love you so much punkin! You are an amazing blessing and never cease to surprise me. I love you!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Happy Anniversary!
Nine years today! What a journey! I am very blessed to be married to my best friend. I love spending time with him and he loves me very well. Who knew what life would hold when we "met" in the Hegstrom's kitchen that night? Lots of laughs, lots of tears and tons and tons of dreams! One big move, two Master's degrees, two beautiful boys and lots of memories later, I am so thankful for my many blessings. I get to live life with my best friend. He is so giving, helpful, thoughtful, seeking God and amazing! We have lots of ordinary days together, but lots of extraordinary days too. I joke about his shortcomings..you know, the chairs that never get pushed under the table, the many cups I carry to the kitchen....but I love Jim beyond words. He is awesome! I hope we get to be that old couple sitting together on the park bench holding hands and smiling. It is just awesome to be together, no words needed. I so look forward to what lies ahead. Still an unknown, what the future holds, but that's what keeps it exciting. I've surely been blessed beyond measure. I love you, Jim!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
First day of School
Aidan started school last Wednesday and is loving it! I had no doubt he would. I must admit I cried. As I prayed for him on the way to school, Aidan could tell I was choked up. When I finished, he said, Mom, you don't have to cry, I'll be alright. I didn't want him to get nervous or scared, so I just told him I was going to miss him, but I knew he was going to have tons of fun. Of course he did. There are only three boys in his class, which I think is good. I definitely got lots of "I love you's" when he got home, though. We've noticed lots more of those and more hugging since school started. Although he has always been verbal and physical with love, it amps up when he is nervous or trying new things. We just enjoy it and give him more. I know the day will come when those hugs are few and far between.
Luke and I are enjoying our days together. We haven't started anything structured because I wanted to see how our schedule works out. I was going to start us with mommy and me gymnastics. Maybe in October. We are starting our other fall meetings, which will be tuesday, wednesday and thursdays. Fridays seem to be the day for errands, so Mondays will be our play days. Both boys are growing and maturing right before our eyes. It is cool to watch and makes mommy teary at the same time. We are blessed!
Luke and I are enjoying our days together. We haven't started anything structured because I wanted to see how our schedule works out. I was going to start us with mommy and me gymnastics. Maybe in October. We are starting our other fall meetings, which will be tuesday, wednesday and thursdays. Fridays seem to be the day for errands, so Mondays will be our play days. Both boys are growing and maturing right before our eyes. It is cool to watch and makes mommy teary at the same time. We are blessed!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
We had a great visit with Grammy and Grandpa Jim. Grandpa and Aidan had a day out and went to Boomers. I don't have any pictures, but I know they had a great time. They played video games and several rounds of golf. Of course they stopped at Old McDonald's on the way home and had food and ice cream. They were gone for hours. We were beginning to get worried and Grandpa left his phone at the house. They were just having lots of fun together. Grandpa did plenty of work, too, though. We have had a fence in pretty bad shape for quite a while and he fixed it....I think that was really his graduation present to Jim. He has plenty of other projects to tackle this summer. At least that big one is off the list.
We are looking forward to more summer fun. Aidan has asked to learn to ride his bike without training wheels. More to come.....
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